Submitting to the Journal
Thank you for your interest in submitting to the St. Andrews Historical Journal!
Submissions are now OPEN
Submissions on all historical topics and from all periods are welcome. Submissions from additional academic disciplines such as art history, classics, archeology, etc. are also accepted, however the nature of the topic and its focus must be primarily historical. Book/film reviews and interviews with historians are equally accepted, alongside historical poetry/fiction and historical artwork (subject-based, or technique and subject-based) for adornment of the physical journal.
To submit to the journal, please email historysoc@st-andrews.ac.uk and CC editors John McNealy jdm40@st-andrews.ac.uk and Lindsay Martin lwm6@st-andews.ac.uk with the subject ‘Historical Journal Submission’. Please attach your paper as a Microsoft World file; the title should read ‘Historical Journal Submission - [your name]’. The first page of the file should include the title of your work, your name, and the word count. Please include the title of your work and a brief abstract in the body of the email. If the submission was previously a piece of coursework, please note from which course using the module code, including the year/semester.
Please be aware that reviewed/edited work may be returned to the author for further editing or reworking should it be required.
Submission Guidelines:
No minimum word count given the variety of work submitted, but we do not accept submissions over 10,000 words (including footnotes). We recommend 2,000-8,000 words. Submissions over 10,000 words may be posted on our website, but not published in physical print.
Please include your name, the title of the article, and the word count.
Please refer to the School of History Style Guidelines for all referencing and footnote questions
Please use footnotes, not endnotes
Use 12 point Times New Roman, 1.15 line-spacing
Please only submit one paper per issue. An additional submission of, for example a creative work, is possible.
Papers submitted to other journals will be considered, but please do let us know if you are submitting elsewhere
Reach out to editors John jdm40@st-andrews.ac.uk and Lindsay lwm6@st-andews.ac.uk with any questions, or sign up for our mailing list by emailing historysoc@st-andrews.ac.uk for updates about the journal, or by following the History Society’s instagram page.